Tuesday, December 30, 2008
2008 Favorites
1) Girls Only Trek from Herron Park to Blacktail - This was truly a great feat as there is no specific trail. We got semi-lost several times, climbed over what seemed like a million trees, post holed through major snow, ran out of water and food, but we prevailed!
2) Running with Buddy (who died early this year) on the snow packed trails surrounding the cabin. He wasn't my dog, but a super companion for a short time.
3) Don't Fence Me In - All I can say is what an awesome trail race! I had so much fun on that course.
4) Pig Farm run with Danni, gun shots and the dead refrigerator.
5) Blacktail mountain lion sighting with Leanne. Not sure who was more surprised, the mountain lion or us!
6) Pig Farm night run
7) Watching Callie and Danni slide down snow hills on their running shorts clad butts during our Strawberry Lake 4th of July run
8) Elkhorn
9) Wintery Grizzly Gulch long run with Rebecca
10) Surviving the even more wintery -10 degree run with Martin
I debated adding our trek to Glacier for our midnight full moon run to Logan Pass. BUT, the road was closed when we got there, we had to run on graded pavement, and it was just too scary trying to stay awake for the drive back home at 4:00 am. Still, thanks to those of you who made the adventure with me.
So, what were your favorite moments? See you in the New Year!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Holiday Whirlwind
Looks a lot colder in this picture
Afterwards, my dad and I hiked Mt. Helena. It was the first time I'd been up there since the big snowfall and it was spectacular. Lots of powdery snow, clear skies and amazing views. Time well spent.
Dad on the Road to Mars - Mt. Helena
On Sunday, it warmed up to 45 degrees with a lot of rain. Much of the snow melted or washed away and now everything is ice. It's raining again now, but I'm hoping the weather cooperates for the planned New Year's Day adventure. More on that later - Happy New Year!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Update - Cold Conquered!
I tagged along with Martin, thinking I'd turn around at some point. But, it was sunny, I was toasty warm in all my gear and blissfully ignorant of the route Martin chose, so I continued on. He took me on a loop that eventually climbed up to some really amazing snow covered views. My only moment of doubt was when I saw the yellow "steep grade" sign and realized we were going up, up, up. Martin is always good at providing hills for us! I appreciated the fact that he included me in this run, slowing down for my pokiness on the uphills. We ended up doing 11 good miles.
A few strange things that did happen:
1) Even though I had on running tights and my Pearl Izumi Alpine pants, a couple areas of my derriere ended up with what seems a bit of frost nip. I got a little cold when I slowed down during the climb up, and the area was painful and a little funny looking when I got home. No serious damage - it was fine after a hot shower. Just a little weird.
2) My eyeballs froze! During much of the run, I had icicles on my eyelashes, but the entire last mile, my vision was considerably blurry. I kept trying to blink, thinking it would clear up, but it didn't. I had read about frozen eyeballs somewhere, so wasn't really worried, but I was happy to get to my car and turn the heater on.
3) My bottle of Heed turned to slush. That's not so bad, but the bite valve froze solid, so I kept having to unscrew the lid to drink. Under the lid was an entire shelf of ice with a tiny hole through which to drink. Interesting. I'm going to have to do some serious reconfiguration if winter keeps throwing me below zero temperatures.
I would have taken pictures, but it was too cold to stop for that. Thank you to Rebecca who actually got me out of bed and outside this morning, and to Martin for the company on a beautiful run!
Braving it?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
"You grew up in North Dakota for crying out loud. You survived walking through mountains of snow in -50 wind chill to go to school. Dad used to bundle you up to run around the house in the middle of dark winter just to get the germs off. It's above zero. Stop being a wimp, and get your butt outside and run."
And so I did. 3.2 miles. Enough to freeze my face while the rest of me was sweltering. Enough to cause my Ipod (tucked nicely in my pocket) to suddenly stop because the battery froze. And it was so nice. Quiet. Peaceful. Just what I needed to cope with the insanity of being in the mental health field during the holiday season.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Saturday Storm
Sunday, December 7, 2008
The men headed up a parallel road and were nice enough to swing back down Grizzly to say hi. The road was packed snow and areas of ice and I was the only one to forget the Yak Trax. My ASR's did fine though, and by the time we headed back it was slush. I had received a few Accel Gels in the mail, so tried them out during this run. Between the Heed in my pack and the gels, I felt great. My only complaint was the bite valve on the Nathan bladder. It's difficult to open/close and if left open, it just constantly leaks. I'm thinking a CamelBak bladder is in my future.
And, congratulations to Emily and Jason on the birth of their baby girl!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Running Holiday
Monday, November 24, 2008
Dumb, dumb, dumb. This past week, I paid the consequences. Major asthma problems and a lung infection resulting in physician admonishment, albuteral shakes and lots of the not so fun drugs called steroids. The lesson here is that stress definitely take its toll on the body, but is not always the sole responsible party. The second lesson is that I'm not always so good at taking care of myself.
Sooo, the plan, and we all know how plans/resolutions/goals tend to dissolve once one feels healthy again.
1) Drink more water.
2) Get more sleep.
3) Set limits at work.
4) Take time to eat. Might help if I follow #3.
5) Take time to run, walk, something every day. Also helped by following #3.
6) Make sure to refill my Singulair prescription ON TIME. Definitely helped by following #3.
There it is - doesn't sound too hard, right? We'll see...
On to the fun stuff! A couple weekends ago, Steve and I took in the Banff Film Festival in Great Falls. The place was packed. I always find this amusing. Great Falls is not the outdoor mecca like Kalispell and Helena, but it seems to draw a bigger, very enthusiastic, crowd for the festival. Maybe it's because there's just nothing else to do or an excuse to escape the never ending wind? I have to admit we were spoiled living in DC, where the National Geographic Live Center showed FIVE nights of film. Maybe we'll need to travel to all five showings throughout Montana? It was fun. We stayed overnight so Steve could help out with a Paramedic Refresher, and I braved the wind for a 5 mile run (also pre-curser to the crud).
Add to that a little shopping, where Steve found me a North Face Primaloft Winter Jacket on sale cheap. It's like a down sleeping bag - I never want to take it off! He also got me this to solve my "on-call while running" issue. We saw the new Bond movie, with enough action to keep even me alert, and ate way too much good food.
The next afternoon, Rebecca took me out hiking on some new trails. It was fun doing something other than running, we had a lot of time to chat, and a good workout with all of the hills. Fun times. Pictures are of Rebecca on the trail.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Drinking Dilemma
This summer, I carried one or two 20 oz. hand held bottles of Heed. If I needed more, I'd use my Fuel Belt two bottle carrier (not the most comfortable) and one hand held. I'd average 20 0z. every 5-6 miles.
Lately, I've been using my Nathan pack, taking only water and Endurolytes if needed. On my recent 12 and 14 mile runs, I drank around 30 oz. Way too little. I'm not sure if I remember to drink more regularly with the hand helds or if Heed just works better for me.
The reason for using the hydration pack is that I'm always on-call and have to take my phone EVERYWHERE. I also tend to explore new trails with no particular time limit. Which means I need some kind of pack to carry phone, water, gels, map, etc. The pack is extremely comfortable, I don't mind using it at all, but I'm having a hard time adjusting to running without Heed.
My question?
Will I eventually adjust to just water? What's your hydration system preference? Especially for those of you who prefer sports drinks over water? I'm looking at one bottle packs that also have storage, but want one with minimal bounce. Any recommendations?
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Bought and love the Pearl Izumi Alpine Pant. I'm not a fan of traditional running tights, and wanted something warm for the cold, windy days. Wind and rain resistant, fleece lined, with vented knee panels. A big thanks to Melinda at Big Sky Cyclery for finding them for me. This is probably not a purchase for those of you who run in shorts at 40 degrees. You'll be sweltering. If you are like me, cold most of the time, you'll find them cozy enough to sleep in.
Congratulations to Deb and Rebecca for finishing the New York City Marathon last week!
Great having a visit from Danni this week. She was sweet and took me to dinner at On Broadway. Good food, relaxing place, and so fun to catch up. Thanks Danni!
Friday night, I checked out Sommeliers with a couple fellow therapists from work. First wine bar I've been to in awhile, and fun to get to know co-workers better.
As for my own running, this week was not so consistent due to work and socializing. I managed a couple fairly fast 3 milers and this morning's solo 14 miler on muddy roads. Perfect weather for me. 45 degrees, overcast and misty. Despite the gradual uphill for the first 7 miles, I felt ok. I didn't push the pace, kept my heart rate low, and just enjoyed the quiet solitude.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
A "me" day
Diretissema Trail
Rocky mess above the trail
Dump Out Trail
More of Dump Out Trail - for me, the "Always Seem Lost" Trail
View from Dump Out
End of the trail portion for me - wish you were here?
Sunday, October 26, 2008
1) Re-connecting with my husband - Despite the physical distance between us for so long, it never really negatively impacted us, but it sure is nice to see him walk through the door often, prepare meals together, have bagels and coffee while reading the Sunday paper, or just sharing the events of our days. Such simple things, but great things.
2) The trails - a whole lot of miles of them for me to lose myself. Best of all, they provide respite on the windy days. A brief set-back after a major toe against cast iron end table incident. It's slowly recovering and I'm running again.
3) Working in a high school again - I grew up with my father as teacher, coach, principal and my mom as our school chef. Our life was based on school seasons and bulletin boards, cleaning beakers, moving desks, serving food for basketball games, etc. I love every aspect of being part of that setting again, even in the role of therapist (minus the fee for service program, billable hours and paperwork) and am so thrilled to be in a place where teachers take an alternative approach and WANT the kids to be there. Plus, I have an office with red walls and student artwork - how crazy good is that?
4) New and old friends - So thankful Rebecca moved here before me. Her presence has helped in more ways than she'll ever know. Also thankful for the visit from Bernie and Diane. As Bernie said, anticipation for an event can sometimes outweigh the actual event - but not so for that evening. The hours of conversation and laughter with two people I truly admire was exactly what I needed.
5)Family - My niece turning one year old. The intuition and support from my parents. It just amazes me that they just KNOW, from miles away, nuances of how I'm feeling.
6) Health - The Milk Dud crisis has passed. You know you're in a funk when an entire carton (the big movie theatre kind) is emptied on an almost daily basis. I've now moved on to real food once again. My body thanks me.
I'm hoping to figure out the next phase of running soon. My first plan is to find an ART chiropractor to help work out some kinks from a major summer of adventure. Second, I think there's a Fat Ass 50k in my future. Third, this winter I'm going to try some snow shoeing and cross country skiing. We'll see what happens...
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Sunday, I woke up to snow and felt like a kid on Christmas morning. I downed some food, dressed in warm layers and my Gore-Tex Salomons, put the truck in 4-wheel drive, and headed to the trails. No one had touched the snow yet, so I blissfully made the first tracks through several inches of new powder. It was tough going, but SO MUCH FUN! Most of the trails were runnable, but it was hard to tell where the trail was in areas, so glad I chose a familiar one. I slid hard on a couple switchbacks, but the pillow of snow protected my bottom. The return trip was cold on the face due to the windchill, one of the things I've got to get used to again. The following are pictures from my adventure. They are fairly dark due to the snowfall. The last picture is of me covered in ice.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Am I ready for this?
I hope the weather cooperates for everyone traveling to Hungry Horse to run Le Grizz...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Learning to run uphill
After the first run, it was very obvious that I don't have much experience RUNNING uphill. Partly I've been too lazy, but also there wasn't regular access to these kind of trails where I used to live. But, I'm trying and I'm determined to get better. The main concern is my heart rate. Once I start heading uphill, it sky rockets. My goal tonight was to keep the last runners in the group in sight, and just focus on doing the best I could. It was a blast. The trails were new to me and the views were beautiful. Plus, once we got going, I completely forgot about the crazy wind.
Another change is that this group is made up mostly of men. I'm used to running primarily with women. It's not a negative at all, just different. I very much appreciated the encouragement from the group, especially Martin coming back down to run with me up the last bit of uphill!
I also got to enjoy some local history facts regarding some of the trails from the only other woman running tonight. Several members of the group are running Le Grizz this weekend, so am wishing them luck and good weather!
The following pictures were taken this past weekend. After running 10 miles with Rebecca on Saturday, Steve and I did some hiking to check out the fall colors. The sun wasn't cooperating with me, so the pictures don't quite capture the scenery, but I'm posting them anyway.
View of a lone biker on the trail across the gulch.
I'm looking forward to the weekend. We're helping Rebecca put on a 5k to raise money for Team in Training Saturday morning and then off to Bozeman for some much needed shopping!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
I lied - or life is looking up?
This morning, I tried out my new purchase. I know using the microwave is cheating, but I love poached eggs and wanted a quick way to make them before work. It will work pretty well once I tweak the directions. We identified a perk of living in town - the ability to pick up coffee and a newspaper and be back home lazing around within 10 minutes.
I also met up with Rebecca this afternoon. We attended a performance at the Myrna Loy Center in celebration of Deaf Awareness week. I hadn't been in a room full of people signing since leaving DC, so it was time. Thanks Rebecca for going with me!
On the injury front, I'm slowly getting back to running. I'm sticking to pavement and flat trails and survived a fairly painless 7.5 mile run on Saturday. My hip still is tender, but was not nearly as bad as the pain in the knees and feet post run. I quickly realized that my road shoes (bought a year ago) had too many miles on them. So, once again, I'll be going shoe shopping. That should definitely lift the spirits!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A hopefully brief interlude
A few messages though,
1) Great job to Rebecca, Deb and Ruth on a rainy but successful Two Bear experience.
2) Good luck Danni on the upcoming Le Grizz.
3) Carsten and other interested parties - for sure let's plan to meet up for a future race.
4) Chris - hope you kick some under 4 hour butt at Twin Cities.
5) Marisa and Julia - have a great time at Portland! You'll both do great.
Off to unpack more boxes...
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Swan Crest Photos, Finally
Not a lot else to say except that moving is growing old. I am sad to be leaving my job, my friends, the cabin, my running routes, Glacier, etc. but excited to discover what's next. Much more to come as we get settled...