Saturday, December 5, 2009


Therapists often call this the silly season. It's not silly really, but hard for a lot of people. As a result, work has been stressful (although there's been a lot of fun and good things too). I'm thankful to be able to run again to deal with and process it all in a healthy way. We've gotten a lot of snow which makes it even more fun for me and our snow dog. Three shorter runs through snow during the week, and a 6 mile trail run in lots of fresh snow made for some quality workouts. We also made time for some off leash play...

Life is busy so if I don't get back here for awhile - Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

Jo Lynn said...

I've never considered this time of year a silly time at all! "Busy" and "hectic" are more like it.
Love the picture of Buddy sitting in the snow. Boomer has never stood in snow. Not sure how he woulod handle it. LOL